Get Involved
Volunteer Opportunities
We welcome volunteers with open arms at Dakota Woodlands (DW). We need a community of talents, skills, and hearts! If you would like to help, DW has many volunteer opportunities.
Start by clicking on the volunteer application below or send your inquiry to beth@dakotawoodlands.org. We would love for you to join our team. Working together as a community will strengthen our mission to end homelessness in Dakota County!

Individual Volunteer Opportunities
Individuals are greatly needed to help with daily activities, projects, and events. Activities include childcare, tutoring, preparing a meal, picking up donations, helping in the in-house store, front desk operations, painting, computers, and much more.

Group Volunteer Opportunities
Group of volunteers are often needed to help with larger projects, activities, and events. Projects include landscaping, detail cleaning of the facility and vehicles, construction, painting, sorting inventory, organizing community drives, cooking meals, and much more.
Career Opportunities
Working at Dakota Woodlands is a wonderful opportunity to share your talents, skills, experience, and heart in service to families experiencing homelessness in Dakota County. We are a nonprofit human services organization that is proud to provide the best possible services and support to families in crisis which will help them to achieve stability on their journey to independence.
Our client-centered approach ensures that every family gets the individualized care and attention they need to be successful.
Join our team and make a difference in the lives of others!